18-year-old advocate Luc Swensson on improving youth mental health

The Story of 18-Year-Old Advocate Luc Swensson on Improving Youth Mental Health

A Journey of Struggles and Resilience

At just 18 years old, Luc Swensson has already experienced more challenges than many people face in a lifetime. From being bullied to enduring the pain of his parents’ divorce, Luc’s resilience and determination have led him to create a foundation dedicated to improving youth mental health. His story is not only inspiring but also sheds light on the importance of addressing mental health issues among young people.

The Birth of I Love This Life Foundation

Instead of succumbing to the hardships he faced, Luc decided to turn his pain into a purpose. He founded the I Love This Life Foundation, an organization that travels across the country to inspire kids with a more hopeful view of life. This foundation aims to empower young individuals who may be struggling with their mental health by showing them a different perspective and providing support and guidance.

A Lesson Learned from Pink Shoes

The journey towards creating the I Love This Life Foundation began when Luc was just 13 years old. He was bullied for wearing pink shoes, but instead of letting it break him, he used it as an opportunity to promote his cause further. It was a challenging time in his life, and he admits to feeling like giving up. However, he found strength in the advice his father gave him: “Don’t make a decision the day something happens.” This wisdom allowed him to reflect and make a transformative choice.

A Lifelong Passion for Helping Others

Luc’s desire to help others didn’t start with the bullying incident. At the young age of seven, he already knew he wanted to make a difference in the lives of children. This determination was fueled by the impact of his parents’ divorce, which had a profound effect on him. Although he initially felt alone in his experience, he channeled his emotions into helping other kids facing similar challenges.

The Power of Speaking to High Schoolers and Middle Schoolers

While Luc’s message resonates with people of all ages, he particularly focuses on high schoolers and middle schoolers. In his assemblies, he fearlessly addresses topics such as mental health and teen suicide, which many may find uncomfortable or difficult to discuss. By openly speaking about these issues, Luc strives to create a safe space for young individuals to understand and tackle mental health challenges and encourages them to develop their own strategies for dealing with adversity.

The Significance of Choosing the Right Friend Group

One of Luc’s core beliefs is that the people you surround yourself with can significantly impact your future. He often quotes the saying, “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” Luc emphasizes the importance of having friends who support and uplift you rather than bring you down. Choosing the right friend group can lead to personal growth, positivity, and a stronger sense of self.

Imagine. Believe. Achieve.

Luc’s organization’s motto, “Imagine. Believe. Achieve.,” encapsulates the message he wants young people to take away from his assemblies. He wants them to believe in their goals and aspirations, to imagine the possibilities, and to understand that with dedication and perseverance, they can achieve almost anything. It’s a powerful mindset that empowers young individuals to dream big and work towards their dreams, no matter the obstacles they face.

A Bond Strengthened Through Challenges

Through the countless assemblies and his personal journey, Luc’s bond with his father has only grown stronger. In times of struggle and triumph, they have supported each other, sharing a deep connection and unbreakable bond. His father has been a pillar of support in his life, and Luc attributes much of his success to their close relationship.

In conclusion, Luc Swensson’s story is an inspiration to people of all ages. His unwavering determination to create positive change in the lives of young individuals is commendable. From the pain of being bullied to the emotional impact of his parents’ divorce, Luc’s story showcases the power of resilience and the ability to transform personal adversities into a force for good. With his I Love This Life Foundation and captivating assemblies, Luc is making a significant impact in improving youth mental health.


1. How did Luc Swensson cope with bullying?

Luc Swensson faced bullying for wearing pink shoes when he was 13 years old. Initially, he wanted to give up, but he took his father’s advice and made a transformative choice. He turned his pain into a purpose by using the incident as an opportunity to promote his cause and inspire others.

2. What is the focus of the I Love This Life Foundation?

The I Love This Life Foundation, founded by Luc Swensson, aims to improve youth mental health. They travel across the country, inspiring kids with a more hopeful view of life and providing support and guidance to those struggling with mental health issues.

3. Why does Luc Swensson focus on high schoolers and middle schoolers?

Luc Swensson believes that high schoolers and middle schoolers are the perfect audience to address topics like mental health and teen suicide. By openly discussing these issues, he creates a safe space for young individuals to understand and tackle mental health challenges, empowering them to develop their own strategies for dealing with adversity.

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