Conan Checks In On His Team’s Skin Health | Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Conan Checks In On His Team’s Skin Health

Conan O’Brien, the beloved late-night talk show host, is known for his quirky sense of humor and hilarious antics. But in a recent episode of “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend,” he took a more serious turn as he discussed the importance of skin health with his team.

During the podcast episode, Conan revealed that he had recently visited the dermatologist due to a clogged oil duct on his eye. This prompted him to check in on his colleagues, Sona and Matt, to see if they had been to the dermatologist recently as well.

To Conan’s surprise, Sona had just been to the dermatologist two weeks ago, while Matt goes for regular check-ups every six months. They jokingly discuss their skin concerns, with Sona teasing Conan about his “oily eye” and Matt revealing that he has more moles than a three-acre farm.

Conan, known for his self-deprecating humor, laughs off the jokes and goes on to share his experience at the dermatologist. He talks about how the dermatologist instantly recognizes potential issues and efficiently performs full-body scans. Conan also mentions a recent procedure where a suspicious freckle was removed, leaving him with stitches and a bandage.

The conversation takes a lighthearted turn when Conan jokingly suggests facial surgery, only to be met with Sona and Matt’s supportive comments about his good looks and jawline. They playfully banter about their own adventurousness in the realm of sexuality, with Conan dubbing themselves “sexual pirates on the high seas of jizz.”

The discussion then circles back to dermatology, with Conan expressing concern over whether his quick full-body scans are thorough enough. Sona and Matt jokingly suggest that this efficiency might be missing potential issues. They humorously compare dermatology visits to building a model airplane or a historical diorama.

In the end, the conversation highlights the importance of taking care of one’s skin health and regularly visiting the dermatologist. While Conan and his team approach the topic with humor and wit, it serves as a reminder to the audience to prioritize their own skin health.

Conan’s Ongoing Battle with an Oily Eye

One of the main highlights of the conversation is Conan’s ongoing battle with a clogged oil duct on his eye. He shares with his team that he has been putting a warm tea bag on his eye every morning to alleviate the issue. The comedic tone of the discussion adds a touch of relatability, as many people have experienced frustrating and sometimes embarrassing skin issues.

The Importance of Regular Dermatology Check-Ups

The conversation also emphasizes the importance of regular dermatology check-ups. Sona and Matt’s commitment to seeing a dermatologist every few months shows their proactive approach to monitoring their skin health. This serves as a reminder to the audience to prioritize their own dermatology appointments and stay on top of any potential skin concerns.


1. How often should I visit the dermatologist?

It is generally recommended to visit a dermatologist at least once a year for a routine check-up. However, if you have specific skin concerns or a family history of skin conditions, you may need to go more frequently. It’s important to consult with a dermatologist to determine a personalized visit schedule.

2. What are some common skin issues that should be checked by a dermatologist?

Some common skin issues that should be checked by a dermatologist include suspicious moles, rashes, acne, eczema, psoriasis, and skin infections. Dermatologists are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of skin conditions, so it’s important to seek their expertise if you have any concerns.

3. How can I maintain good skin health?

To maintain good skin health, it’s important to follow a consistent skincare routine that includes cleansing, moisturizing, and protecting your skin from the sun. Additionally, it’s crucial to eat a healthy diet, stay hydrated, get enough sleep, and manage stress. Regular exercise can also contribute to overall skin health. Lastly, don’t forget to visit a dermatologist for routine check-ups and to address any specific concerns you may have.

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