| DATA POINT | Community Health Promoters

expected to be a significant milestone in community health promotion. This program, set to be unveiled by President William Ruto on October 20, 2023, aims to have 100,000 Community Health Promoters (CHPs) across Kenya. These CHPs will be responsible for taking care of 100 homes within their localities, ensuring the health and well-being of their communities.

To support these CHPs in their important work, the government is providing them with CHP kits. These kits contain 42 items, including essential tools like a first aid kit, a digital glucometer for checking blood sugar levels, a blood lancet for blood testing, test strips, a blood pressure monitoring machine, a weighing scale, and a medicine box filled with medicines for various health issues. These medicines include zinc sulfate for maintaining immunity, albendazole for deworming, and paracetamol for pain relief.

The distribution of these kits has already begun, with Nairobi and other counties receiving their allocations. The total budget for the program, shared between the national government and county governments, is estimated to be around 6 billion Shillings per year. The government is providing a stipend of up to 2,500 Shillings per month to the CHPs, and the counties are expected to match this amount.

While the program shows great potential in improving community health, there are some concerns that need to be addressed. The Council of Governors has yet to take a position on the program, and there is a need for additional funding to support the program in some counties. The number of CHPs per county varies, with some counties requiring more CHPs than others. There is also a question of whether the government of Kenya will match the higher stipend of 3,500 Shillings paid by some counties or stick to the 2,500 Shillings provided by the national government.

One of the highlights of this program is the use of specially designed CHP smartphones. These smartphones, supported by Safaricom, are equipped with the Community Health Information System, which allows for real-time monitoring of the CHPs’ activities and ensures that they are using the phones solely for their intended purpose.

The scope of services provided by the CHPs is extensive. They are involved in promotive and preventive health services in their communities, focusing on early detection of health issues. They also engage in sensitization campaigns and provide support to vulnerable individuals like older persons and pregnant women.

As the program gets underway, it is important to address the concerns raised by stakeholders and ensure proper coordination between the national and county governments. The launch of this program on October 20, 2023, holds great promise for improving community health and empowering individuals to take charge of their well-being.


1. What is the goal of the Community Health Promoters program?
The goal of the Community Health Promoters program is to have 100,000 CHPs across Kenya who will be responsible for 100 homes each, ensuring the health and well-being of their communities.

2. What are the items included in the CHP kits?
The CHP kits contain 42 items, including a first aid kit, a digital glucometer, a blood lancet, test strips, a blood pressure monitoring machine, a weighing scale, a medicine box, and necessary medicines such as zinc sulfate, albendazole, and paracetamol.

3. How will the program be funded?
The program will be funded through a shared budget between the national government and county governments, estimated to be around 6 billion Shillings per year. The government is providing a stipend of up to 2,500 Shillings per month to the CHPs, and the counties are expected to match this amount.

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