EXCLUSIVE: Woman Goes MISSING During Medical Transport From Negligent Facility

EXCLUSIVE: Woman Goes MISSING During Medical Transport From Negligent Facility

Imagine a young woman dealing with a mental health issue who becomes lost in the system. Multiple systems fail the guardians, leaving them desperate for answers. This is the story of a 33-year-old woman who suffers from schizophrenia and went missing for over two months after being discharged from a negligent mental health facility.

Lost in the System

The journey begins when the woman is admitted to the Lake View Behavioral Health facility in Norcross, Georgia, after a suicide attempt. From there, she is transferred to a group home called Heart to Heart Care in Covington, Georgia. However, it is later revealed that the address provided by Mr. Robert Shropshire, who claimed to have dropped her off at an intersection, does not actually lead to the group home.

A Desperate Search

The woman’s family, concerned for her well-being, visits the listed address of the group home only to find that it is in an entirely different city. They notify the police and file multiple missing persons reports. Despite reaching out to the hospital staff who discharged her, the family receives no meaningful assistance. They are left to navigate the bureaucratic nightmare on their own.

A Troubled History

This is not the first time Lake View Behavioral Health has come under scrutiny. In 2019, a local news source reported on a patient’s death, leading to an investigation into multiple allegations against the facility. The police had previously received complaints from around 70 patients, ranging in age from 23 to 65, who experienced negligence, theft, and other mistreatment.

The Need for Reform

This case highlights the failures within our healthcare system, particularly when it comes to mental health care. The profit-driven approach often overlooks the well-being of patients, resulting in instances of extreme negligence and laziness. The state department and healthcare facilities must take responsibility for monitoring and improving mental health care services to prevent incidents like this from occurring.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long was the woman missing?

The woman was missing for over two months after being discharged from the negligent mental health facility.

2. What actions did the family take to find her?

The family filed multiple missing persons reports, visited the address provided by Mr. Shropshire, and reached out to the hospital staff who discharged her. They faced dead ends and barriers, prompting them to reach out to the media for assistance.

3. What is being done to hold the negligent facility accountable?

The investigation into the facility’s conduct is ongoing, and it is hoped that they will be held accountable for their negligence. Continued media coverage of such incidents helps shed light on the need for reform in the healthcare system.

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