Girls’ Inc. launches new program to help girls’ mental health | GMA

Girls’ Inc. Launches New Program to Help Girls’ Mental Health

Addressing the Growing Crisis

Teen girls and mental health have become a growing concern, especially in recent years. With celebrities like Billie Eilish, Selena Gomez, and Naomi Osaka openly discussing their struggles, there is a growing awareness about the importance of mental health. However, there are still many teens who are facing challenges and need support.

Empowering Girls through Virtual Support

In an effort to address this issue, Girls’ Inc., a non-profit leadership organization, has launched a new program to empower girls and provide them with virtual support. The program aims to create safe spaces for girls and equip them with the necessary resources to advocate for their own mental well-being.

A Personal Journey

Brianna, a seventeen-year-old from Texas, understands the importance of mental health advocacy firsthand. The pandemic has brought to light the mental health challenges faced by high school seniors like her. Brianna mentions that isolation can lead to a downward spiral, but she believes in taking charge of her mental well-being and inspiring others to do the same.

The Alarming Statistics

According to a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 60 percent of teenage girls in the United States reported persistent sadness and hopelessness. This is double the number compared to teenage boys. It is crucial to address this disparity and provide the necessary support to girls struggling with their mental health.

A Partnership for Change

In a collaboration that aims to make a difference, Girls’ Inc. has partnered with Learn to Live, an online therapy app, to offer virtual support for girls. Learn to Live has developed a number of therapy programs, and by partnering with Girls’ Inc., they hope to reach even more girls in need. The program will focus on common teen challenges such as social anxiety, depression, and stress.

Taking Charge of Mental Well-being

Girls who have participated in Girls’ Inc.’s programs have stressed the importance of taking charge of their mental well-being. They believe that mental health is something they deserve to prioritize, and they see Learn to Live as a great solution that is easily accessible. With the program available 24/7 and completely free, it provides convenient and affordable support for girls.

Support from a Strong Community

Tiffany, a participant in Girls’ Inc.’s programs, joined the organization as a mentee when she was in elementary school. Now a freshman in college, she emphasizes the importance of finding a supportive community. Being able to express oneself and having someone to offer mental support can greatly contribute to becoming the best version of oneself.


1. What is the goal of Girls’ Inc.’s new program?

Girls’ Inc.’s new program aims to provide virtual support for teen girls struggling with mental health challenges.

2. Who did Girls’ Inc. partner with for this program?

Girls’ Inc. partnered with Learn to Live, an online therapy app, to offer virtual support to girls.

3. Is the program accessible to girls 24/7?

Yes, the program is available 24/7, ensuring that girls can access the support they need at any time.

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