Health Insurance – How to select a right health plan?

How to Select the Right Health Plan: Key Features to Consider

When it comes to health insurance, many people tend to overlook important features, leading to potential problems and unexpected expenses. It’s crucial to be aware of the key features before choosing a health plan in order to ensure comprehensive coverage. Let’s explore the important aspects that you should consider.

1. Co-payment Clause

While cheaper health insurance plans may seem appealing, they often come with a co-payment clause. This means that you will have to pay a certain percentage of the medical bills out of your own pocket. For instance, if you opt for a health insurance plan with a 20% co-payment clause and end up with a medical expense of 2 lakh, you would have to pay 40,000 rupees on your own. It’s essential to carefully assess whether the cost savings on the premium outweigh the potential expenses you may have to bear with a co-payment clause.

2. Restriction on Room Rent

Some insurance policies impose a cap on room rent, usually a percentage of the sum assured. This cap can limit your choice of hospitals and potentially result in out-of-pocket expenses. For example, if your health insurance plan has a 1% cap on room rent and you choose a room that exceeds this limit, you will have to pay for the excess out of your own pocket. It’s important to ensure that the room rent coverage adequately meets the prevailing costs of hospital accommodations in your area.

3. Disease-wise Sublimit

Certain health insurance policies have limits on coverage for specific diseases. For instance, there might be a cap on the total coverage amount for cardiovascular issues or knee replacements. It’s crucial to check whether your health plan has any disease-wise sublimits to ensure that you have sufficient coverage for any potential health conditions you may face.

4. Pre and Post Hospitalization Charges

While most health insurance plans cover expenses incurred during hospitalization, many people overlook the pre and post-hospitalization charges. These charges can include diagnostic tests, consultations, and medications. Ensuring that your health plan covers both pre and post-hospitalization charges, typically within a specific timeframe, can save you from unexpected expenses and provide comprehensive coverage.

5. No Claim Bonus

Some health insurance plans offer a no claim bonus, which rewards you for not making any claims over a specified period. This bonus can come in different forms, such as increasing your health coverage by a certain percentage for the next policy year. It’s worth considering a health plan that offers a no claim bonus as it can help increase your coverage without additional costs.

6. Other Benefits

Aside from the basic coverage, it’s beneficial to consider additional benefits such as free healthcare check-ups and coverage for alternative treatments like Ayurveda, yoga, naturopathy, and homeopathy. These additional benefits can contribute to your overall well-being and enhance the value of your health insurance plan.

7. Cashless Facility and Network Hospitals

Check if your health insurer provides a cashless facility, which allows you to avail medical treatment without paying anything upfront. It’s essential to ensure that the health insurer covers major hospitals in your city to have easy access to quality healthcare services.

8. Claim Settlement Ratio

When selecting a health insurance plan, it’s crucial to consider the claim settlement ratio. This ratio reflects the percentage of claims settled by the insurer out of the total claims received. A high claim settlement ratio indicates a higher likelihood of efficient and hassle-free claim settlements. It’s advisable to opt for a health insurance provider with a higher claim settlement ratio to avoid complications and delays in claim processing.

Family Floater or Individual Plan?

If you have a spouse and children, it’s recommended to opt for a family floater plan that covers your entire family under a single policy. However, if you have elderly parents, it’s advisable to consider a separate health plan for them due to factors such as higher premiums based on age and potential complications associated with aging. Taking a separate health plan for your parents ensures comprehensive coverage tailored to their specific needs.

Consider a Health Insurance Advisor

Understanding health insurance plans can be challenging due to the complex terms and conditions. Consider reaching out to a health insurance advisor, such as the team at dto, who can provide free and unbiased advice. These advisors can help you select the right plan based on your requirements and ensure that you don’t miss out on important details.


Choosing the right health insurance plan requires careful consideration of various factors. By focusing on essential features such as co-payment clauses, room rent restrictions, disease-wise sublimits, pre and post hospitalization charges, no claim bonuses, additional benefits, cashless facilities, claim settlement ratio, and considering family composition, you can make informed decisions that cater to your specific needs. Remember to review the policy documents thoroughly and disclose all relevant medical information to avoid claim rejections. Utilize the services of a health insurance advisor for expert guidance. Your health and financial well-being deserve the protection of a comprehensive health plan.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Should I opt for a health plan with a co-payment clause?

While it may seem tempting to save money on the annual premium by choosing a health plan with a co-payment clause, it’s important to consider the potential expenses you may have to bear in case of medical treatments. Evaluate whether the cost savings outweigh the risk of paying a significant portion of the bill out of your own pocket.

2. How do I know if a health insurance plan covers alternative treatments like Ayurveda or homeopathy?

When selecting a health insurance plan, review the policy document or consult with the insurer to determine if alternative treatments, such as Ayurveda, yoga, naturopathy, or homeopathy, are covered. Not all health insurance plans provide coverage for these alternative treatment methods.

3. Should I rely on my employer’s health insurance plan or get a separate one?

It is advisable not to solely rely on your employer’s health insurance plan. If you leave your job, you will lose the coverage, and there may be gaps before you get coverage from a new employer. Additionally, a separate health insurance plan allows you to customize the coverage to better suit your needs and preferences.

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