Health officials keeping an eye on new COVID variant | GMA

Health officials are keeping a watchful eye on a new COVID variant that has emerged, causing concern amidst a rise in hospitalizations. As the CDC documents an increase in hospitalizations across the U.S., it is evident that the virus is still impacting communities. Recent data reveals that there were 15,000 new COVID-related hospitalizations for the week ending August 19th. This surge has led to a surge in demand for at-home COVID tests, with retailers and pharmacies reporting shortages in some areas.

The new variant, known as ba-286, is being closely monitored by health authorities. While it is too early to determine if this variant causes more severe illness or is more transmissible, there have been a total of 24 reported cases worldwide, with four of them in the U.S. Fortunately, current testing methods and medications seem to be effective against the variant.

In addition to monitoring the situation and staying updated with the latest information, the CDC advises taking necessary precautions to protect oneself and others. This includes getting vaccinated as recommended, testing oneself if experiencing any COVID symptoms, and seeking appropriate treatment if testing positive or at high risk for severe illness. As we approach the fall season and spend more time indoors, it is crucial to remain vigilant and practice the preventative measures we have all been familiarized with – regular handwashing, covering our mouths when coughing or sneezing, and wearing masks when necessary.

The importance of these precautions cannot be overstated, as they not only safeguard ourselves but others around us as well. Seeing someone wearing a mask has become a reassuring sight, as it signifies their commitment to protecting themselves and those nearby. By adhering to these recommendations, we can all contribute to the collective effort in combating the virus and ensuring the well-being of our communities.

In the coming months, a new vaccine for COVID is expected to be released in mid-September, offering an additional layer of protection against the virus. As the situation continues to evolve, it is essential to stay informed and follow the guidance provided by health officials to navigate these challenging times successfully. By remaining vigilant and implementing the necessary precautions, we can help mitigate the spread of the virus and keep ourselves and our loved ones safe.


1. How effective is the new vaccine for COVID?

The new vaccine for COVID is expected to be released in mid-September. While its effectiveness can only be determined once it is widely administered, vaccines have proven to be a critical tool in controlling the spread of infectious diseases in the past.

2. How can I protect myself from the new COVID variant?

To protect yourself from the new COVID variant or any other strains of the virus, it is crucial to follow the guidance provided by health officials. This includes getting vaccinated as recommended, practicing good hygiene by washing hands regularly, wearing masks when necessary, and maintaining social distance from others.

3. What should I do if I test positive for COVID?

If you test positive for COVID, it is important to seek appropriate medical advice and follow the recommended course of treatment. Additionally, inform your close contacts and adhere to isolation protocols to prevent further spread of the virus. Remember to monitor your symptoms and seek medical attention if necessary, especially if you are at high risk of severe illness.

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