Health tips for kids heading back to school

Health Tips for Kids Heading Back to School

As the summer comes to an end, it’s time for kids to head back to school. It’s a time filled with excitement and anticipation, but it’s also important to prioritize their health. Here are some essential health tips to ensure that your child has a successful and healthy school year.

Preparing Internally

Before the school year starts, it’s crucial to prepare your child internally. This involves focusing on their nutrition and sleep. According to John Hopkins Medicine, 40% of daily calories for children between the ages of 2 and 18 come from empty calories, such as added sugars and solid fats. To promote a healthy lifestyle, make sure to provide your child with nutritious meals that are free from added sugars. Set an example by consuming healthy foods yourself, as children tend to mimic their parents’ eating habits.

Additionally, sleep is vital for your child’s overall well-being and academic performance. Prior to the start of the school year, gradually adjust their bedtime to align with the school schedule. Aim to move their bedtime at least one hour earlier than what they were accustomed to over the summer. Sufficient sleep helps children stay focused and energized throughout the day.

Preparing Externally

Preparing your child externally involves creating an environment that supports their health and well-being. It’s essential to maintain open lines of communication with your child and have conversations about their feelings regarding going back to school. Acknowledge that this transition can be both exciting and stressful for them and provide reassurance and support. By keeping communication open, you can address any concerns or anxieties your child may have.

Furthermore, scheduling yearly checkups is crucial for the overall health of your child. Regular well-child visits are necessary for children up to the age of 18. These visits allow healthcare professionals to monitor your child’s growth, development, and immunization status. Use this back-to-school period as an opportunity to schedule a checkup and ensure that your child’s vaccinations are up to date.


Heading back to school is an exciting time for children, but it’s essential to prioritize their health during this transition. By focusing on both internal and external preparation, you can set your child up for a healthy and successful school year. Remember to provide nutritious meals, adjust their sleep schedule, maintain open lines of communication, and schedule regular checkups. Implementing these health tips will ensure that your child starts the school year on the right foot.


1. Why is sleep important for children going back to school?

Sleep is vital for children going back to school as it helps them stay focused and energized throughout the day. Adequate sleep improves cognitive function, memory retention, and overall academic performance. It’s crucial to gradually adjust their bedtime before the start of the school year to ensure they get sufficient rest.

2. How can I promote healthy eating habits for my child?

To promote healthy eating habits for your child, focus on providing nutritious meals without added sugars or solid fats. Be a role model by consuming healthy foods yourself, as children tend to mirror their parents’ eating habits. Encourage a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

3. Why are regular checkups important for children?

Regular checkups are essential for monitoring a child’s growth, development, and overall health. Well-child visits allow healthcare professionals to ensure that children are meeting developmental milestones and receiving necessary immunizations. It’s an opportunity to address any health concerns and establish a strong foundation for their well-being.

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