Itzy’s Lia Takes Health Break

ITZY’s Lia Takes Health Break: A Decision Made for Her Well-being

The Delicate Balance Between Stardom and Health

In the fast-paced world of K-pop, the pressure to constantly deliver remarkable performances and maintain a pristine image can take a toll on even the most resilient individuals. It is a world that demands perfection, but also a world that often forgets that idols are human beings with their own limits and vulnerabilities. ITZY’s Lia is no exception to this reality.

A Difficult Choice for the Sake of Healing

After careful consideration and discussions with both her fellow members and the agency, Lia has made the brave decision to take a hiatus from group activities. This choice was prompted by health concerns that have been affecting her well-being. Lia recently consulted with a doctor after experiencing severe anxiety related to her involvement in the group’s activities. The medical professional advised her to prioritize rest and receive proper treatment.

The Path to Recovery

The exact duration of Lia’s break from the group is yet to be determined. It will depend on further discussions with the members and Lia herself, as well as her progress in finding stability and healing. During this time, the agency, JYP, has taken the opportunity to apologize to fans for any worry caused and promises to keep them updated on Lia’s return.

A Letter from the Heart: Lia’s Gratitude and Explanation

A Personal Message to the Beloved Fans

Leaving no stone unturned, Lia took to ITZY’s official Instagram account to pen a heartfelt letter addressed to their dedicated fanbase. In this deeply personal message, she expressed her profound gratitude for the unwavering support she has received throughout her journey as an idol. It is this support that continues to give her strength during this challenging time.

A Glimpse into the Decision-Making Process

Lia shared insights into her decision-making process, shedding light on the factors that led her to prioritize her health. She emphasized the need to focus on self-care and take a step back from the demands of the industry. It is an important reminder that even the brightest stars need moments of respite to heal and rediscover their passion.

A Promise of Return and Rejuvenation

While it may be a difficult period for both Lia and her fans, the letter holds a promise of return. She assures her fans that she will come back stronger, rejuvenated, and ready to share her talent once again. It serves as a beacon of hope, fueling anticipation for the day Lia stands confidently on stage, knowing that she has taken the necessary steps to prioritize her health and well-being.


Q: How long will Lia’s break from group activities be?

A: The duration of Lia’s hiatus is currently undecided and will depend on her progress in finding stability and healing, as well as further discussions with the members and herself.

Q: Why did Lia decide to focus on her health?

A: Lia experienced severe anxiety related to her involvement in the group’s activities, which prompted her to consult with a doctor. The medical professional advised her to prioritize rest and receive treatment, leading to her decision to focus on her health.

Q: Will Lia return to the group?

A: Yes, Lia has expressed her commitment to return to the group. She promises to come back stronger, rejuvenated, and ready to share her talent once she has taken the necessary time to prioritize her well-being.

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