Missing 9-year-old girl Charlotte Sena found in ‘good health’ l GMA

Miracle Rescue of 9-Year-Old Girl

In a heartwrenching turn of events, a 9-year-old girl by the name of Charlotte Sena vanished while riding her bike in Upstate New York. Authorities and concerned community members launched an extensive search to locate her, but as the hours ticked by, hope began to fade.

Various law enforcement agencies, including the New York State Police and the FBI, joined forces to aid in the search for Charlotte. The disappearance of a young child sparked fear and panic throughout the community, as everyone desperately hoped for her safe return.

A Collective Sigh of Relief

After an agonizing 48-hour ordeal, there was a collective sigh of relief as authorities finally located Charlotte Sena. The joy and relief were palpable as family and friends gathered at a vigil, erupting in cheers upon hearing the news. Charlotte was found alive and seemingly in good health, bringing a moment of hope and gratitude to all who had been involved in the search.

The Search for Answers

As the rescue unfolded, authorities began unraveling the events leading up to Charlotte’s disappearance. It was revealed that the young girl had been abducted, with police suspecting foul play from the beginning. The discovery of a ransom note at the Sena Family Home became a critical piece of evidence in the investigation.

During their search for Charlotte, law enforcement identified a suspect: 47-year-old Craig Nelson Ross Jr. In a surprising twist, Ross was apprehended after leaving behind his own fingerprint on the ransom note. He now faces charges of first-degree kidnapping.

A Miraculous Discovery

Governor Kathy Hochul provided further details on the recovery of Charlotte. She was found safe in a camper behind Ross’s mother’s home, approximately 13 miles away from the Sena family residence. Charlotte was discovered hidden in a cabinet, miraculously unharmed.

The young girl was quickly transferred to a local hospital for evaluation and observation. Governor Hochul confirmed that, outwardly, Charlotte appeared to be in good physical condition, providing a glimmer of hope for her recovery process.

A Warning for Parents

This harrowing incident serves as a reminder to parents and caregivers to remain vigilant and attentive to their children’s activities. Even seemingly safe activities, like riding a bike around a familiar loop, can quickly take a turn for the worst. It is crucial for everyone to be aware of their surroundings at all times and to prioritize the safety of their children.


The rescue of Charlotte Sena is nothing short of a miracle. This alarming incident captured the attention of the nation, and the swift action of law enforcement and the dedication of the search teams led to her safe return. While this may not be the outcome for every missing child, Charlotte’s family is overwhelmed with gratitude and joy to have their daughter back home.


1. How long was Charlotte missing?

Charlotte Sena was missing for a heart-pounding 48 hours before being rescued.

2. Was the suspect known to the family?

At this time, it is unclear whether the suspect, Craig Nelson Ross Jr., had any prior relationship with the Sena family.

3. What happens next in the investigation?

Charges have been filed against Craig Nelson Ross Jr. for first-degree kidnapping. As the investigation progresses, authorities will gather more evidence to build their case.

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