My Authentic Mental Health Journey w/ REAL Video Diaries (this past year)

My Authentic Mental Health Journey: A Rollercoaster of Emotions and Growth


Have you ever found yourself in a deep valley, struggling with your mental health, feeling like there’s no way out? That has been my journey over the past year. In this video diary, I share my authentic and vulnerable story of battling mental health issues and overcoming them with the help of God, therapy, and a functional medicine doctor. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions and growth, and I’m excited to take you along on this journey with me. So grab a cup of coffee, open your heart, and let’s dive in.

A Honeymoon Marred by Anxiety

I start my story by taking you back to my honeymoon, a time that is supposed to be filled with joy and bliss. However, the reality was quite different for me. I struggled with intense anxiety, particularly around food. It was overwhelming and made me feel completely out of control. It was a wake-up call for me to confront my anxiety and seek help.

Confronting Childhood Memories and Scars

After returning from my honeymoon, I encountered a series of challenging life transitions. I left my childhood home, my family, and friends behind, and started a new chapter with my husband. This upheaval triggered unresolved childhood memories and scars, leaving me vulnerable and emotional. It became clear to me that I needed to confront these issues head-on and seek healing.

Unraveling the Layers: Anxiety, Hormones, and Social Anxiety

During this time, I also started experiencing heightened anxiety and mood swings due to hormonal changes caused by birth control. It was a struggle to control my emotions, and I felt like I was spiraling out of control. Additionally, as a pastor’s wife in a new town, I had to face my social anxiety and navigate a community of new people. It felt overwhelming, and I had to acknowledge that I wasn’t okay and needed professional help.

Seeking Help: Functional Medicine and Therapy

Recognizing the need for a comprehensive approach to my healing, I decided to see a functional medicine doctor. I underwent various tests to identify the root causes of my physical and mental struggles. This holistic approach focused on healing my gut and addressing nutrient deficiencies. Alongside functional medicine, I also sought therapy to help me process and navigate my emotions, confront childhood attachments, and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

A Journey of Growth and Healing

Over time, with the support of functional medicine, therapy, and my faith, I began to make progress. The journey wasn’t linear, and there were still ups and downs. However, I started to see improvements in my mental health, my relationship with food, and my social anxiety. I learned to trust God’s plan for my life and lean on Him during the darkest moments. Through it all, I discovered that vulnerability, self-reflection, and seeking help are vital for growth and healing.

Embracing Hope and a Bright Future

As I sit here today, I can tell you that I am not 100% better, but I am on a path towards healing. My mental, physical, and spiritual health have significantly improved. I have learned how to manage my anxieties, embrace my true self, and trust in God’s faithfulness. I am filled with hope and gratitude for the journey I’ve been on and the person I am becoming.


1. How did functional medicine help in your mental health journey?

Functional medicine was a game-changer for me. It allowed me to uncover the root causes of my physical and mental struggles, rather than just treating the symptoms. By optimizing my gut health, addressing nutritional deficiencies, and balancing hormones, functional medicine helped me regain control over my mental well-being. It was a holistic and personalized approach that brought me closer to healing.

2. How did therapy play a role in your journey?

Therapy was instrumental in my healing process. My therapist provided a safe space for me to explore and understand my emotions, confront childhood attachments, and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Through therapy, I gained self-awareness, learned effective communication skills, and discovered new ways to navigate life’s challenges. It was an ongoing process of growth and self-discovery that continues to this day.

3. What advice would you give to others struggling with mental health?

First and foremost, know that you are not alone. Reach out for help, whether it’s through therapy, support groups, or seeking professional medical advice. Embrace vulnerability and be honest with yourself and others about your struggles. Understand that healing takes time and may require a multi-faceted approach. Lean on your faith, friends, and loved ones for support. And most importantly, never lose hope. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and with perseverance and the right tools, you can overcome your mental health challenges.

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