Ruto Health Bill Push | Social Health Insurance Bill to be tabled in Parliament

Ruto Health Bill Push: Social Health Insurance Bill to be Tabled in Parliament

The Impending Impact on Kenyan Citizens

A new bill, known as the Social Health Insurance Bill, is set to be tabled in Parliament tomorrow. This bill, part of the government’s efforts to launch the Universal Health Care Program, aims to establish a social health insurance fund that will take over the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF). While the implementation of this bill could lead to improvements in healthcare provision, it may also result in Kenyans paying higher taxes to finance these services.

What is the Social Health Insurance Bill all about?

The Social Health Insurance Bill seeks to create a social health insurance fund that will be responsible for providing preventive, promotive, and primary care services at community dispensaries and health center levels. Additionally, the bill aims to establish a chronic illness and emergency fund to support individuals with chronic illnesses. To finance these initiatives, the government plans to deduct 2.75 percent of the gross pay of taxpayers and collect contributions from every household and non-Kenyan resident residing in Kenya for over a year.

The Need for Expedited Legislation

As the launch of the Universal Health Care Program draws near, President Ruto is urging members of both houses of Parliament to expedite the passage of the necessary legislations. The President emphasizes the importance of having clear laws in place to guide the implementation of the program. These laws have undergone comprehensive consultation, and the Council of Governors has provided their inputs to ensure uniformity across the country.

A Comprehensive Approach to Healthcare Coverage

Alongside the social health insurance fund, the success of the government’s plan to provide universal health coverage relies on accurate data collection. The government aims to register every household in Kenya to gather information on the health requirements and disease prevalence in different regions. This data collection exercise will be carried out by community health promoters who will also provide basic healthcare services. To support these promoters, the government plans to provide a stipend funded by both the national and county governments.

Concerns and Challenges

While the social health insurance bill promises improvements in healthcare provision, challenges and concerns remain. County governments have expressed discontent with the lack of uniformity in the payment of stipends to community health promoters. There are fears that the national government may not honor its pledge, leading to additional financial burdens on counties.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How will the Social Health Insurance Bill affect Kenyan citizens?

The bill aims to establish a social health insurance fund that will provide healthcare services at the community level. Kenyans may see an increase in taxes to finance these services.

2. What role do community health promoters play in the healthcare system?

Community health promoters will not only collect data on health requirements and disease prevalence but also provide basic healthcare services. They will be supported by stipends provided by the national and county governments.

3. What challenges are anticipated with the implementation of the Social Health Insurance Bill?

Counties have raised concerns about the lack of uniformity in stipend payments and the possibility of the national government not fulfilling its financial commitments, leaving counties with additional bills to cover.

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