Taking Back Your Mental Health (w/ Victoria Garrick Browne)

Taking Back Your Mental Health (w/ Victoria Garrick Browne)

The Importance of Mental Health

Mental health is an important aspect of our overall well-being, yet it is often overshadowed by physical health. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness and discussion around the subject, with more people speaking up about their struggles. One such person is Victoria Garrick Browne, who has been using her platform to shed light on mental health issues, particularly among athletes. In a recent podcast episode, Victoria opens up about her own journey and the challenges she has faced.

A Childhood of Achievement

Victoria grew up in a town where success and achievement were highly valued. From a young age, she was pushed to excel in academics, sports, and popularity. Her parents instilled in her a belief that she could be anything she wanted to be, but she also had to work hard to make it happen. This mindset shaped her identity, and she associated her worth with her achievements. It wasn’t until college that she started to realize the pressure she was putting on herself.

The Pressure of Being a Middle Child

As a middle child, Victoria felt a particular pressure to stand out and be recognized. She was the only girl among her siblings, which gave her a special role in the family dynamic. Being the middle child, she often felt the need to prove herself and receive validation. This pressure to be the best and gain approval from her parents contributed to her drive for achievement.

The Journey to College Volleyball

Volleyball became Victoria’s passion in high school, and she never doubted that she would continue playing in college. She joined a club team in eighth grade and set her sights on making the varsity team in high school. She had the support of her parents, who made sacrifices to ensure she had the opportunity to pursue her passion. However, the transition to college volleyball brought new challenges and added pressure to perform at a high level.

Struggles with Anxiety and Depression

The intense demands of college volleyball, along with the high expectations she placed on herself, led Victoria to experience anxiety for the first time. She was constantly worried about making mistakes, disappointing her teammates, and failing to meet her own standards. The pressure became overwhelming, and she started to struggle with performance anxiety. She didn’t initially seek help because she viewed mental health as a weakness, but eventually, she recognized that she needed support.

The Importance of Seeking Help

Victoria’s first therapy session was a turning point for her. It allowed her to acknowledge her anxiety and depression and to start the healing process. She discovered that seeking help was not a sign of weakness but a necessary step towards understanding and healing. Therapy helped her understand the root causes of her anxiety and provided her with coping strategies. She also started taking medication to manage her depression.

Breaking the Stigma

One of the reasons Victoria decided to speak out about her mental health journey was to break the stigma surrounding mental health, particularly in the world of competitive athletics. She wanted others to know that it is okay to seek help and that mental health issues should not be seen as a weakness. Through her TED Talk and social media presence, Victoria has been able to reach a wide audience and create a conversation about mental health that athletes can relate to.

The Relationship with Social Media

For Victoria, social media has been a powerful tool for sharing her story and connecting with others. She initially gained a following by being authentic and unfiltered, and she continues to be transparent about her journey. However, she also feels pressure to please everyone and worries about not being able to maintain the same level of engagement or appeal. It is something she has to continuously work on and remind herself that not everyone will like everything she posts.

Moving Forward with Authenticity

Despite the challenges, Victoria remains committed to staying true to herself and sharing her experiences. She recognizes that her content may change over time as she evolves and moves into different phases of her life. However, as long as she continues to be authentic and honest, she knows that she will continue to connect with and inspire others.


Victoria Garrick Browne is a powerful voice in the mental health conversation, particularly for athletes. Her openness about her struggles with anxiety and depression has created a space for athletes to share their own experiences and seek help without feeling ashamed. By speaking out and using social media as a platform, she is helping to break the stigma surrounding mental health and encouraging others to prioritize their well-being.


1. How did Victoria Garrick Browne’s childhood shape her identity?

Victoria grew up in a town where success and achievement were highly valued. Her parents instilled in her the belief that she could be anything she wanted to be, and she associated her worth with her achievements. This shaped her identity and led to a drive for excellence.

2. How did Victoria’s experiences in college affect her mental health?

The intense demands of college volleyball and the high expectations she placed on herself led Victoria to experience anxiety and depression for the first time. She felt constant pressure to perform at a high level and was afraid of making mistakes or disappointing her teammates.

3. How did Victoria overcome the stigma surrounding mental health in athletics?

Victoria broke the stigma by speaking out about her own mental health journey, starting with a TED Talk and continuing through her social media presence. She wanted athletes to know that seeking help and talking about mental health is not a sign of weakness. By sharing her story, she created a conversation and a space for athletes to open up about their own mental health struggles.

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