Unlocking The “Power of 1”: Wendy Williams’ Journey To Liberation And Health Priority | Dr. Oz

Unlocking The “Power of 1”: Wendy Williams’ Journey To Liberation And Health Priority


In this episode, Dr. Oz interviews Wendy Williams, a woman who has epitomized the power of one through her resilience and willingness to choose bravery in the face of difficulties. Wendy Williams is not only committed to making her health a priority but also to sharing her truth with others. Throughout the interview, she opens up about her journey to liberation and discusses her diagnosis of lymphedema, a chronic disorder that affects millions of people around the world. Join us as we delve into Wendy Williams’ inspiring story of overcoming challenges and embracing the power of one.

Meeting of Two Powerhouses

Dr. Oz begins by acknowledging the power that each individual possesses to create personal change and drive change in the world. He introduces Wendy Williams as someone who has harnessed the power of one and shares her journey of liberation. Wendy Williams, who has been a long-time friend and lunch partner of Dr. Oz, has always been a strong presence in the media world. They both began their shows at the same time, eleven years ago, and have supported each other throughout their careers.

Prioritizing Health in the Face of Adversity

Dr. Oz delves right into the conversation by asking Wendy about her commitment to making her health a priority. Wendy emphasizes the importance of taking care of oneself and highlights the practical aspect of needing to pay her bills and ensure her well-being. She believes that, especially in challenging circumstances, one must become their own best friend and advocate. Wendy shares that she has always found strength from within, as she has had to throughout her life.

A New Life of Freedom

Wendy discusses her newfound sense of liberation and independence in her “new life.” She describes her lovely apartment where she can turn the key and have the power to make decisions solely based on her own opinions and desires. This newfound freedom allows her to prioritize herself and regain control over her life. Wendy explains that the last time she felt this sense of freedom was 25 years ago, and she is embracing it wholeheartedly now.

The Journey to Separation and Divorce

Dr. Oz delves into the topic of Wendy’s separation and impending divorce. Wendy reveals that she decided to end her marriage upon discovering her husband’s infidelity. She emphasizes the importance of not settling for less than she deserves and finding the strength to move on. Wendy expresses that she has always been her own best advocate, a strength that has guided her throughout her life. She advises other women to find their inner strength and stand up for themselves, even if it means leaving a toxic relationship behind.

Finding Strength in Difficult Times

Dr. Oz asks Wendy about the source of her strength during challenging times. Wendy reveals that she has always been a methodical person, never making snap judgments that could greatly impact her life. She shares her process of thinking things through and planning her actions to ensure the best possible outcome. Wendy believes that many women struggle to find their strength because they spend too much time seeking advice from others who may not be in the same position. She emphasizes the importance of becoming one’s own best advocate and finding the inner strength to make the necessary decisions.

Rediscovering Herself

Dr. Oz explores the process of rediscovery that Wendy has undergone throughout her journey. Wendy clarifies that she is not rediscovering herself but rather embracing the strength and independence that she has always possessed. Wendy explains that she knows her worth and is unwilling to settle for anything less. She asserts that being married required commitment and respect, and without those, there is no future. Wendy’s determination and self-assuredness shine through as she navigates her newfound life and freedom.

On the Topic of Dating

Dr. Oz shifts the conversation to Wendy’s dating life, asking her about her experiences and preferences. Wendy admits that she does not enjoy dating but remains open to the possibilities. She humorously adds that she is open to dating anyone, regardless of race, but has a height requirement of at least five feet eight inches. Wendy’s candidness and lightheartedness bring a refreshing perspective to the topic, showing that she is unapologetically true to herself.

The Journey to Liberation and Health Priority

Dr. Oz transitions to discussing Wendy’s health journey, specifically her recent diagnosis of lymphedema, a chronic and painful condition. Wendy shares her experience of visiting multiple doctors before finally receiving a diagnosis. She opens up about the challenges she faces, including swollen ankles and feet, as well as the daily pain and discomfort associated with the condition. Wendy’s transparency sheds light on the reality of living with a chronic illness and serves as an inspiration to others who may be going through similar experiences.

Understanding Lymphedema and Seeking Treatment

To help viewers understand lymphedema better, Dr. Oz introduces Dr. Nick Morrissey, a vascular specialist who explains the intricacies of the condition. They discuss the early warning signs of lymphedema, such as swelling, loss of muscle definition, and changes in the skin. Dr. Morrissey emphasizes the importance of seeking medical attention and exploring treatment options to manage the condition effectively. He also mentions the availability of lymphatic machines, such as the one Wendy uses, which aid in reducing fluid build-up in the affected areas.

The Power of Advocacy and Support

Throughout the interview, Wendy and Dr. Oz discuss the financial aspect of accessing treatment and the importance of insurance coverage. They highlight the significance of advocating for proper medical care and making treatments more accessible to individuals with lymphedema. Wendy, who is now on the board of Lymphedema, expresses her commitment to raising awareness and helping others by marching on Washington to bring attention to this important cause. Their discussion underscores the power of advocacy and the impact it can have on improving the lives of those affected by lymphedema.

Embracing the Power of One

As the conversation comes to a close, Dr. Oz emphasizes the power of one person to create change. Wendy Williams’ journey serves as a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit. By prioritizing her health and sharing her story, Wendy has become an inspiration to others, empowering them to overcome their own challenges. Dr. Oz commends Wendy for embracing the power of one and vows to continue supporting her on her journey of liberation and health priority.


Wendy Williams’ journey to liberation and health priority exemplifies the power that each individual possesses to create change in their own life. By prioritizing her health, embracing her newfound freedom, and advocating for herself and others with lymphedema, Wendy Williams inspires us all to harness the power of one. Her story serves as a reminder that through resilience, bravery, and self-advocacy, we can overcome obstacles and unlock our true potential. Let Wendy Williams’ journey be a beacon of hope and empowerment as we navigate our own paths towards health, happiness, and liberation.


1. What is lymphedema?

Lymphedema is a chronic disorder characterized by swelling, loss of muscle definition, and changes in the skin. It occurs when there is an accumulation of lymph fluid due to a blockage or malfunction in the lymphatic system. Lymphedema affects millions of people worldwide and can be managed through various treatment options.

2. How can I support the cause of lymphedema awareness and treatment accessibility?

You can help support the cause of lymphedema awareness and treatment accessibility by educating yourself and others about the condition. Additionally, you can contribute to organizations that advocate for lymphedema research, raise awareness, and provide resources for those affected by the condition.

3. How can I prioritize my health and well-being?

Prioritizing your health and well-being involves making conscious choices to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. This may include regular exercise, healthy eating, practicing self-care, managing stress, and seeking medical attention when necessary. Remember that putting yourself first is not selfish but a necessary step towards living a fulfilled and balanced life.

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