Women’s Month | Advocating for women’s health rights and access to healthcare: Sasha Stevenson

being made to improve health systems impacting women in South Africa.

Advocating for Women’s Health Rights

Access to quality healthcare is a constitutional right in the Republic of South Africa. However, many South African women still face inadequate healthcare systems and have their right to health care denied. Section 27, a social justice organization, has been working tirelessly to change this narrative and advocate for women’s health rights. In a recent interview, Sasha Stevenson, the executive director of Section 27, discussed the interventions being made to improve health systems impacting women.

The Gap Between Law and Reality

While the law and the constitution guarantee women’s right to healthcare, there is often a gap between what is enshrined in the law and what women actually experience in reality. Access to healthcare services remains a struggle for many women, including access to contraceptives, abortion services, and maternal healthcare. Despite their best efforts to seek access to healthcare, women still face numerous barriers that prevent them from receiving the services they need.

Inequitable Allocation of Resources

One of the key issues contributing to inadequate healthcare for women is the inequitable allocation of resources between the public and private healthcare sectors. South Africa spends a significant portion of its GDP on healthcare, but a large portion of that spending goes towards the private sector. This leaves the public healthcare system underfunded and struggling to provide necessary services. Additionally, there are issues with corruption and wastage of funds within the healthcare system, further exacerbating the problem.

The Role of Litigation

Section 27, along with other organizations, has taken up various causes related to women’s health rights and has even gone to court to ensure that the envisioned rights are realized. Through litigation, they have fought for access to HIV treatment, improved maternal and child healthcare, and other essential services. While there have been some successes, continuous monitoring and advocacy are necessary to ensure that the gains won through litigation are maintained.

Challenges and Solutions: Access and Quality

The conversation with Sasha Stevenson also shed light on the challenges facing the South African healthcare system in terms of access and quality. Access to healthcare services, particularly in the public sector, is a major concern. Facilities often become overcrowded, leading to longer waiting times and limited resources. While there have been claims that non-South Africans are overwhelming the system, there is a lack of data to support this argument. The larger issue lies in the mismatch between the budget allocated and the number of people in need of healthcare services.

Budgetary Constraints and Management

The budget for healthcare services in South Africa has been decreasing, leading to a decrease in the overall availability of services. This puts a strain on the healthcare system and limits the resources available to meet the healthcare needs of the population. Additionally, there are issues of mismanagement and corruption within the healthcare system, leading to wasted funds and inefficiencies. These challenges need to be addressed to improve access to quality healthcare.

National Health Insurance

One proposed solution to improve access to healthcare services is the implementation of a national health insurance system. The idea is to use all healthcare facilities in the country to provide services to all citizens based on their needs rather than their ability to pay. While the principle behind this is commendable, there are concerns about the implementation and governance of such a system. It requires significant investment and a focus on improving healthcare facilities and retaining healthcare workers.

The Importance of Quality Healthcare

It is crucial to prioritize the quality of healthcare services. This involves nurturing and retaining skilled healthcare workers, ensuring that healthcare facilities meet certain norms and standards, and holding the system accountable for providing quality care. While South Africa has excellent healthcare workers, there is a need for increased investment and better management to improve the overall quality of healthcare services.


Advocating for women’s health rights and improving access to quality healthcare for all is a pressing issue in South Africa. It requires a comprehensive approach that addresses budgetary constraints, resource allocation, corruption, and mismanagement. By focusing on improving healthcare facilities, retaining skilled healthcare workers, and implementing accountability mechanisms, South Africa can strive towards providing equitable access to healthcare services for all citizens. Women’s health rights are essential for personal development, societal well-being, and economic prosperity, making it crucial to invest in and prioritize this crucial aspect of healthcare.


1. How is Section 27 advocating for women’s health rights?

Section 27 is a social justice organization that is actively working to change the narrative and advocate for women’s health rights in South Africa. They engage in litigation to fight for access to essential healthcare services and have taken up causes such as HIV treatment, maternal and child health, and more.

2. What are the challenges faced by women in accessing healthcare in South Africa?

Women in South Africa face numerous challenges in accessing healthcare. These include inadequate healthcare systems, limited access to contraceptives, abortion services, and maternal healthcare. Despite their attempts to seek healthcare, women still struggle to receive the services they need.

3. How can South Africa improve access to and quality of healthcare?

To improve access to healthcare, South Africa needs to address budgetary constraints, resource allocation, corruption, and mismanagement within the healthcare system. Increasing investment in healthcare facilities, nurturing and retaining skilled healthcare workers, and implementing accountability mechanisms are key steps to enhance both access and quality of healthcare services. Additionally, the implementation of a national health insurance system can help ensure that everyone has access to necessary healthcare services based on their needs.

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