Xen Orchestra: How To Do Automated Backup, Restore, and Health Checks Tests on XCP-NG


In today’s digital landscape, data backup and restore capabilities are crucial for businesses and individuals alike. While many focus on the importance of having a reliable backup solution, it’s equally vital to ensure that the backup is tested and can be restored successfully. Without proper testing, a backup is merely wishful thinking. In this article, we will explore how Xen Orchestra, a powerful virtualization management platform, can be leveraged to automate backup testing, restoration, and health checks on XCP-NG.

The Significance of Backup Restoration

When it comes to data backups, one might argue that the restore process is more critical than the actual backup itself. This is because a backup is meaningless if it cannot be successfully restored. The restore process ensures that a backed-up system or virtual machine (VM) can be brought back to life seamlessly. However, achieving this level of confidence in the restoration process requires thorough testing.

The Power of Xen Orchestra

Xen Orchestra is a feature-rich platform that simplifies the management of virtualized environments, specifically for the Xen hypervisor and XCP-NG. One of its standout capabilities is the ability to automate backup testing and restoration. This means that Xen Orchestra can not only verify the integrity of a backup but also boot up the VM in an automated manner. Additionally, the platform can provide notifications regarding the success or failure of the restoration process, allowing users to have real-time insights into the health of their backups.

Understanding the Implementation

To delve into the implementation of automated backup testing, restoration, and health checks using Xen Orchestra, let’s take a closer look at the steps involved.

Step 1: Version and Setup

To ensure compatibility and access to all the latest features and enhancements, it is recommended to use the latest version of Xen Orchestra Community. In this tutorial, we are using the self-compiled version of October 2023. However, for production environments, a simpler, licensed version with support is available on XenOrchestra.com.

Step 2: Virtual Machine Setup

For demonstration purposes, we have two virtual machines – one running Linux and the other running Windows 10. The specific OS version does not matter for this process, as what matters most is that the management engines can be detected. This detection is essential as it helps determine whether the VM has successfully booted during the restoration process.

Step 3: Failed Backup Demo

To understand the importance of automated backup testing and health checks, we start with a demo of a failed backup. In this scenario, the management engine was intentionally not installed, resulting in a backup failure. Although the backup process successfully creates a snapshot and transfers it, the health check during restoration fails due to the absence of the management engine.

Step 4: Successful Backup Demo

Next, we install the management engine and run the backup process again, this time successfully. By clicking on the successful backup, we can observe the entire process, including the snapshot creation, transfer, successful VM boot-up, and subsequent destruction. The success of this backup is a testament to the power of automated backup testing and restoration provided by Xen Orchestra.

Step 5: Creating a New Backup

To create a new backup using Xen Orchestra, navigate to the “New VM Backup” section. Here, you can give your backup a name, choose the target VM(s) to be backed up, specify backup type, destination, and scheduling options. It is worth noting that you can choose to perform health checks from the original storage pool or a different one, enabling robust testing in various environments.

Step 6: Managing Backups at Scale with Tags

For users managing a large number of VMs, manually setting up backups for each individual VM can be an arduous task. Xen Orchestra provides a convenient solution in the form of tagging. By assigning a common tag, such as “health check,” to multiple VMs, you can easily select all VMs with that tag for backup management. This feature streamlines the backup process, ensuring efficiency and scalability.

Step 7: Advanced Settings and Snapshot Modes

Xen Orchestra offers advanced settings for users to customize their backup processes further. These settings include choosing snapshot modes, such as normal with memory or offline. Normal mode creates a snapshot while the VM is running, while offline mode shuts down the system before taking the snapshot. Users can also choose whether or not to stop the VM during the backup process.


Automated backup testing, restoration, and health checks are essential for maintaining data integrity and ensuring the successful recovery of systems and virtual machines. Xen Orchestra proves to be an invaluable tool in simplifying and automating these processes, allowing users to have peace of mind knowing their backups are reliable. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, users can harness the power of Xen Orchestra to streamline their backup management and save valuable time and effort. Remember, while Xen Orchestra provides a robust solution, it is still crucial to conduct comprehensive testing, including application-specific checks, to ensure the complete functionality of your restored systems.

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